If you are interested in a student internship, research stay, supervised thesis project or any other arrangement involving a student at the Fusion Group at the Department of Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (CASE) at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). Please fill out the following student expression of interest form.
PhD theses
- Xavier Sáez (2016). “Particle-in-Cell Algorithms for Plasma Simulations on Heterogeneous Architectures”.
Supervisor: José María Cela (UPC, Spain)
Co-Supervisor: Alejandro Soba (CSC/CONICET, Argentina)
- Daniel Gallart (2019). “Computational analysis of Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequency Heating for JET Experiments”.
Supervisor: Dr. Mervi Mantsinen (BSC/ICREA, Spain)
Co-supervisor: Prof. Lluís Batet (UPC, Spain)
- Allah Rakha (2019). “Analysis of energetic particle-driven Alfvénic instabilities in tokamak and stellarator plasmas using three dimensional numerical tools”.
Supervisor: Dr. Mervi Mantsinen (BSC/ICREA, Spain)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Jean-Marie Noterdaeme (Ghent University, Belgium)
- Tomas Bensadon (2024). “Analysis of ITER performance with different heating schemes using predictive integrated plasma modelling”.
Supervisor: Dr. Mervi Mantsinen (BSC/ICREA, Spain)
Co-supervisor: Prof. Lluís Batet (UPC, Spain)
PhD students
- Mátyás Aradi (2020-2022). “Atomic Beam Probe Synthetic Diagnostic And Its Application in Fusion Plasmas.”
Supervisor: Dr. Mervi Mantsinen (BSC/ICREA, Spain)
Co-supervisor: Dr. Shimpei Futatani (UPC, Spain)
MSc theses
- Daniel Gallart (2015). “Computational Analysis of Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequency Heating for DEMO”.
Programme: Nuclear Engineering Master Course at UPC, Spain.
Supervisor: Dr. Mervi Mantsinen (BSC/ICREA, Spain)
- Carles Riera (2016). “Development of a Deterministic Neutron Transport Code Based on the Alya System at Barcelona Supercomputing Center”.
Programme: Modelling for Science and Engineering at UAB, Spain.
Supervisors: Dr. Mervi Mantsinen (BSC/ICREA, Spain) and Prof. Lluís Batet (UPC, Spain)
- Felipe Nathan de Oliveira (2017). “Non linear electromagnetic stabilization of microturbulence by fast ions” .
Programme: Nuclear Engineering Master Course at UPC, Spain.
Supervisor: Dr. Mervi Mantsinen (BSC/ICREA, Spain).
- Marc Eixarch (2017). “Atomistic ab-initio simulations of defects in materials under extreme conditions”.
Programme: Modelling for Science and Engineering at UAB, Spain.
Supervisors: Dr. Mervi Mantsinen (BSC/ICREA, Spain) and Dr. Stephan Mohr (BSC, Spain).
- Alba Gordó (2018). “Computational study of defects in tungsten-crystals by means of density functional theory”.
Programme: Modelling for Science and Engineering at UAB, Spain.
Supervisor: Dr. Mervi Mantsinen (BSC/ICREA, Spain) and Dr. Stephan Mohr (BSC, Spain).
- Oriol Fernández (2021). “Experimental validation of a new HPC modelling tool for High Temperature Superconductivity”.
Programme: Modelling for Science and Engineering at UAB, Spain.
Supervisor: Dr. Mervi Mantsinen (BSC/ICREA, Spain) and Dr. Jose Lorenzo (BSC, Spain).
- Pau Manyer (2024). “EQUILI module in ALYA: a free-boundary Grad-Shafranov equation solver using CutFEM”.
Programme: Numerical Methods in Engineering at UPC, Spain.
Supervisors: Alejandro Soba, Alberto García and Daniel Gallart.
- Hernán Domingo (2024). “MAXWEL: FEM software module to compute EM fields within a magnetically confined fusion reactor”.
Programme: uGent, Belgium.
Supervisors: Alejandro Soba and Dani Gallart.
- Diego Bonato (In-progress). “AI-accelerated solution of Maxwell’s equations for the simulation of high-temperature superconductors dedicated to nuclear fusion”.
Programme: Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy.
Supervisors: Alejandro Soba and Eduardo Cabrera.
- Juan Manuel Sánchez Melian (In-progress). “Study of fixed and free boundaries cases using a plasma equilibrium module of Alya framework”.
Programme: Modelling for Science and Engineering at UAB, Spain.
Supervisors: Alejandro Soba and Eduardo Cabrera.
BSc theses
- Marc Fuster (2018). “Application of the edge-based finite element method for fusion plasma simulations”.
Degree: Physics at UAB, Spain.
Supervisors: Shimpei Futatani and Daniel Campos.
- Eric Planas (2020). “Modelling and simulation of plasma heating using ICRF waves in JET tokamak”.
Degree: Physics Engineering at UPC, Spain.
Supervisors: Dani Gallart and Mervi Mantsinen.
- Gerard Castro (2021). “Fast ion populations during ion cyclotron resonance frequency heating in tokamaks”.
Degree: Mathematics and Physics at UAB, Spain.
Supervisors: Mervi Mantsinen, Dani Gallart and Jordi Manyer
Student internships
- Marta Florido (2019). UPC, Spain.
- Adam Teixidor (2019). UPC, Spain.
- Lara San Martín (2020). UPC, Spain.
- Donato Jimenez (2021). UPC, Spain.
- Eoin Kearney (2021). University of Edinburgh, UK.
- Paolo Settembri (2021). University of L’Aquila, Italy.
- Marina García (2022). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
- Guillem Joseph (2022). Sorbonne University, France.
- Ruth Mora (2022). CFIS-UPC, Spain.
- Arda Erbasan (2022). METU, Turkey.
- Dominik Freinberger (2022). TU Wien, Austria.
- Jorge Suárez (2022). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.
- Pau Manyer (2022). UPC, Spain.
- Diego Garcín (2023). CFIS-UPC, Spain.
- Marina Maroto (2024). UPC, Spain.
- Yuri Sánchez (2024). UPC, Spain.
- Ferran Poca (2024). UPC, Spain.
- Rick van Schaik (2024). Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Netherlands.
- Irene Agudo (2025). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
High School research projects
- Ruth Mora (2020). Col·legi Sant Andreu, Badalona.