New feature to control the memory consumption implemented in the JOREK code

A method to control and optimize memory consumption has been implemented in the JOREK MHD code. It has been documented in the manuscript titled “Implementation of matrix compression in the coupling of JOREK to realistic 3D conducting wall structures” by Federico Cipolletta and collaborators, which was accepted for publication in the Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (PPCF) journal on 22/08/2024 and is available at this link.

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The Fusion Group has a new doctorate member!

Starting from the left; the panel vocal Shimpei Futatani, the panel president Ruben Otin, the thesis supervisor Mervi Mantsinen, the panel vocal Joaquín Galdón Quiroga (on the screen) and the PhD student Tomas Bensadon

The BSC Fusion Group recently gained a new doctorate member! The PhD student, Tomas Bensadon, successfully defended his thesis at the beginning of the month, receiving his doctorate degree and thus joining most of the Fusion Group on having this academic certification. The presentation ended a process that started in September 2020, when Tomas joined the Fusion Group as a PhD student.

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Our MSc students at the BSC Doctoral Symposium 2024

On the 7th and 8th of May, the members of the group Pau Manyer and Hernán Domingo participated in the 11th International BSC Severo Ochoa Doctoral Symposium 2024, presenting their recent work within the framework of their Master’s Thesis projects. In this event, MSc and PhD students and early postdoctoral scientists have an opportunity to gather together and communicate their research projects to the audience, either in the form of oral or poster presentations. In this edition, more than 40 participants from diverse backgrounds could disseminate their research topics and achievements.

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Our contributions to a Fusion Technology Course

Once again, our Fusion group has not missed the opportunity to contribute to the Fusion Technology Course offered as part of the Nuclear Engineering MSc program at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain. This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of plasma physics and fusion technology, covering various topics delivered by experts in various fusion fields.

In this year’s edition, our group members, Dani Gallart and Xavier Sáez, delivered two lectures that offered insights into our group’s research activity.

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