As part of his EUROfusion Engineering Grant, our team member José Lorenzo attended the Final Magnets System project (WPMAG) meeting 2019 held at ENEA in Frascati (National Agency for New Technologies, Italy) from 11th to 13th February. During three days, the participants coming from several research units in Europe (KIT, ENEA, CEA, SPC…) could present their progress on topics related to the DEMO magnet system.
Oral talk at the leading European Fusion Theory Conference
In the second week of October, our group member Dr. Allah Rakha participated in the 18th European Fusion Theory Conference (EFTC), which is one of the world leading fusion theory conferences, and delivered an oral talk titled ‘Shear Alfvén wave continuum spectrum with bifurcated helical core equilibria’.
In his discourse, he presented the modelling results of Alfvén continuum calculations due to helical core equilibria in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak plasmas, which he had obtained using stellarator community 3D numerical tools. This year, the conference took place at Ghent University, Belgium on October 7-10, 2019.
BSC Severo Ochoa Seminar on the data analysis and modelling chain at JET
The opening Severo Ochoa Seminar of this month at BSC has been devoted to fusion. The guest speaker was David Taylor, the responsible officer of the CHAIN2 suite of codes at the Joint European Torus (JET), who gave a talk on one of the main modelling tools at JET.
The number of experiments that are carried out at JET during a campaign is huge. Therefore, there is a massive amount of data that needs to be processed and analysed. This is automatised using the so-called CHAIN2.
The end of a journey and the beginning of a new one
The realisation of a PhD has been a true adventure. It has been an experience that has helped me to improve in many aspects. It has shown me the path to make real research. I have also learned to seek relevant results for my research topic and, most importantly, I have contributed in a research field that has the potential to change the world. However, this adventure would have not been possible without the supervision and good advice from Prof. Mervi Mantsinen, she does deserve a big thank you.
PhD dissertation of Allah Rakha on Alfvénic instabilities
We are delighted to announce that our group member Allah Rakha has been granted with the title of PhD in physics after successfully defending his dissertation entitled “Analysis of energetic particle-driven Alfvénic instabilities in tokamak and stellarator plasmas using three dimensional numerical tools”.
The evaluation board was composed by five members from five universities and research centers, i.e. EPFL (Switzerland), Ghent University (Belgium), Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), UC3M (Spain) and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, Spain), to meet the requirement of his co-tutelle PhD programme at Ghent University and UPC. The defence itself took place on September 27, 2019 at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona (Spain).
Join us for two Fusion PhD defences on Friday 27th September
Friday, September 27th, will be an exciting day for our group: Two members of our group, Mr Allah Rakha and Mr Daniel Gallart, will have their PhD thesis defences on that same day at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC).