TITANS Project hosts the Third Tritium School for the nuclear research community

Third Tritium School flyer. Source: TITANS Project.

Group Member Ezequiel Goldberg attended the Third Tritium School, organized from 18 to 22 of March in hybrid format by the TITANS Project (Tritium Impact and Transfer in Advanced Nuclear reactorS). The project combines the expertise of international experts from material sciences, process engineering, biology, environmental sciences and modelling into a transdisciplinary project concentrating on the management of nuclear facilities, focusing particularly on tritium management. TITANS contributes to mitigating nuclear environmental impact, as well as facilitating the growing nuclear energy demand as Europe, and our world, transition to low-carbon energy sources.

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Unveiling the power of MAGNET for HTS simulation

In the realm of computational research, a new tool for HTS simulation has emerged: MAGNET. MAGNET stands as a revolutionary module designed for simulating the magnetic behavior of High Temperature Superconductors (HTS). Embedded within the renowned Alya suite, a software developed by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and optimized for High-Performance Computing (HPC), MAGNET has recently undergone benchmarking that unveils its potential.

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Workshop on Nuclear Fusion: initiatives towards DEMO

Presentation of the BSC Fusion Group in the CIEMAT workshop.

On February 29, in the CIEMAT headquarters in Madrid (Spain), a Workshop entitled “Fusión nuclear: iniciativas hacia DEMO” was organized by CIEMAT, CDTI, and Ineustar/Induciencia in close collaboration with IFMIF-DONES, UNED, University of Sevilla (US) and Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Alejandro Soba and Dani Gallart from our research group attended this event.

The main objectives of the workshop were to encourage public-private collaboration initiatives in the field, analyze Spain’s strengths in the different key technologies and discuss the plans for the future DEMO reactor.

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Our new journal paper in Nuclear Fusion on modeling of frequency-sweeping Alfvén modes

Alfvénic instabilities driven by energetic particles pose a challenge to the efficient operation of magnetic confinement fusion devices. These modes can dispel fast ions leading to the introduction of significant heat loads onto plasma facing components and degradation of overall plasma confinement. One class of Alfvénic instabilities known as reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes (RSAEs) are of particular risk in devices with reversed shear rotational transform profiles. Reversed shear configurations have recently been of interest because of their enhancement to confinement quality. With this in mind, further study of RSAEs is necessary.

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JOREK code meeting at EPFL with a visit to Swiss Plasma Center

Group picture of in-person attendees at the EPFL site

From 12/02/2024 to 16/02/2024, the 2024 JOREK code meeting was held at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, organized with the support of Cristian Sommariva and Mengdi Kong from the Swiss Plasma Center (SPC), adopting a hybrid format. The meeting was greatly appreciated by the large community of code users and developers, with over 60 registered people, of which 30 were in-person.

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