On 11-15 March our group leader, ICREA Research Prof. Mervi Mantsinen visited the JET tokamak at Culham, United Kingdom, to take part in the Analysis and Modelling Meeting of the EUROfusion Work Package Tokamak Exploitation (WPTE). In total, approximately 85 fusion scientists from all around Europe participated in this meeting in person.
Mervi’s main focus for the visit was on the analysis and modelling of experiments with second harmonic ion cyclotron resonance frequency (ICRF) heating of tritium in JET third major campaign with deuterium-tritium plasmas (DTE3) in preparation of her talk on this subject at the forthcoming European Physical Society Conference (EPS) on Plasma Physics later this year in Salamanca. This work is a continuation of her research carried out in the JET second major D-T campaign which was recently published in Nuclear Fusion.
Mervi stated “my visit to JET was very useful given the numerous presentations on the status and future priorities of the analysis and modelling of the JET DTE3 experiments and the many one-to-one discussions with other researchers”. She also enjoyed being back at Oxford and Culham where she lived and worked for almost ten years earlier in her career.