Our contributions to a Fusion Technology Course

Once again, our Fusion group has not missed the opportunity to contribute to the Fusion Technology Course offered as part of the Nuclear Engineering MSc program at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain. This course provides students with a comprehensive overview of plasma physics and fusion technology, covering various topics delivered by experts in various fusion fields.

In this year’s edition, our group members, Dani Gallart and Xavier Sáez, delivered two lectures that offered insights into our group’s research activity.

On April 26th, Dani Gallart delivered a lesson on “Plasma Heating with RF Waves”. This session delved into the fundamentals of plasma heating physics. It introduced students to recent research advancements in the field, including the heating of plasma ions employed in the recent D-T campaign at JET.

On May 10th, Xavier Sáez gave a lecture entitled “Simulation Codes in Fusion Technology”, focusing on the role of simulations and High-Performance Computing (HPC) in fusion research. The session included examples of current fusion simulation codes, highlighting their significance in advancing fusion science and technology.

We look forward to continuing our involvement in this course in the years to come in order to disseminate our research and motivate students to take an interest in the research being conducted in nuclear fusion.

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