New incorporation to the Editorial Board of Plasma journal

Our Fusion Group Leader Dr Mervi Mantsinen has joined the Editorial Board of  Plasma journal published by MDPI.

Plasma is a new open-access, cross-disciplinary scholarly journal of scientific studies related to all aspects of plasma science, such as plasma physics, plasma chemistry and space plasma. Topics also include experimental and theoretical results, and progress of interdisciplinary and application sciences in this field.

MDPI  (Multidisciplinary  Digital  Publishing  Instituteis  an  academic  open  access publisher based in Basel, Switzerland, whose aim is to promote scientific exchange worldwide by publishing online journals of high scientific standard and impact.

It was founded in 1996 to collect and preserve rare chemical research  samples.  Since then, MDPI has grown into a publishing house with over 160 diverse open access journals and over 4.2 million monthly page views and article downloads. MDPI is backed by over 12,800 academic editors worldwide including several Nobelists.

As  a  member  of  COPE  (Committee  on  Publication  Ethics),  STM  (International Association  of  Scientific,  Technical,  and  Medical  Publishers)  and  OASPA  (Open  Access  Scholarly  Publication  Association),  MDPI  enforces  peer-review  and adheres to strict ethical policies and standards.

More information: Plasma journal webpage

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