Earlier this week, BSC has posted in its YouTube account the talk given by our researchers, Dani Gallart and Xavier Sáez, in the last BSC Annual Meeting.
One of the most expected activities of the Annual Meeting was the “BSC talks” that promotes the internal knowledge about the work done at BSC. The “BSC Talks” section aims to be a showcase for BSC researchers presenting the work developed in their group to the rest of colleagues of the research center in the form of brief presentations of 10 minutes.

This short talk model has been popularized by TED talks and it has demonstrated its success as it only demands the audience’s attention for a short period of time and forces to build a well-formed talk spreading the essential message.
In order to participate in the BSC Talks section, our group first sent a short video presenting the talk proposal. It was selected together with 7 other talks by internal voting.
In their talk, entitled “Looking at the stars”, Xavier Sáez and Dani Gallart invite us to follow them on a trip to reach a new clean energy inspired by the stars. They will guide us to discover the work being carried out by the fusion group in line with the EUROfusion roadmap.
We would like to thank the BSC Communication Team for the huge work carried out to produce this video.