Group photo of the participants on FusionCAT’s technology transfer webinar
On May 30th, our Fusion Group had the pleasure of organizing a training webinar on technology transfer for all the partners of the FusionCAT consortium. After two years of intensive work on several assets within the project, the time to explore collaborations with the industry partners is getting closer. This webinar set the basis for the best exploitation strategies for doing so.
Fusion Group members Tomas Bensadon and Adriana Ghiozzi participated in the 48th edition of the European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. The event was held online due to continued concerns about the pandemic but featured a lively and fruitful dialogue nevertheless, with 612 attendees joining from countries both within and outside of Europe.
Our Fusion Group was present in the 15th edition of the conference of Computer Simulation of Irradiation Effects in Solids (COSIRES), held between the 22nd and 26th of May 2022 on the stunning island of Porquerolles, on the southern Mediterranean coast of France. Our group member Julio Gutiérrez Moreno attended this meeting and presented our recent research on linear scaling ab initio simulations in a talk titled “Study of defects in tungsten from large scale ab initio methods“.
Julio’s presentation at IFERC-CSC Workshop for JFRS-1 2021 projects, given on the 13th of May of 2022.
About one year ago, we wrote a post announcing that a collaborative EU-Japan HPC project led by the BSC Fusion Group’s researcher Julio Gutiérrez was generously funded in a competitive call coordinated within the framework of the Broader Approach (BA) Agreement.
This year, we are again glad to announce that our new project for the year 2022, titled Multi-Scale Atomistic Tungsten (MSAW), has been awarded 267K node-h (~10,688,000 core-h) on the Japan Fusion Reactor Simulator (JFRS-1), located at the Computational Simulation Centre of the International Fusion Energy Research Centre (IFERC-CSC) in Rokkasho (Aomori, Japan). The complete list of funded projects can be accessed here.
After two years of virtual conferences, the 9th BSC Doctoral Symposium came back as an in-person event that took place from 10 to 12 May in the campus of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain. Over the three days, numerous students and postdoc researchers presented their work on a wide range of research areas ranging from Electronic and Atomic Protein Modelling, Earth Systems services, Propulsion Technologies and Computer Architecture to HPC techniques and algorithms in Computer Science.