The 2nd Fusion HPC Workshop took place in the online format on December, 2nd and 3rd, with 217 registered participants from 31 countries all over the world. The event was organized by our Fusion group and Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) under the auspices of the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) and in close collaboration with the international programme committee with several experts from our collaborator institutions.
The workshop covered all computer applications using High Performance Supercomputing (HPC) in the field of fusion research, giving an overview of the overall state of the research of the large scale fusion projects such as ITER and EUROfusion, as well as of the specific and most common lines of the research of fusion phenomena simulations (energy and particle transport, multi-physics modelling, plasma processes, heating, fueling and current drive, laser-plasma interactions, scenario development and control, fusion reactor materials, fusion reactor technology, etc.). The full program of the event is available here.
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