Dr John Wright, Principal Scientist at Plasma Science and Fusion Center at MIT (USA) visited the BSC fusion group for two weeks in March, funded by BSC Severo Ochoa incoming mobility funding. The objective of his visit was to install the All-Orders Spectral Algorithm (AORSA) code at MareNostrum.
BSC Fusion group at the 17th European Fusion Theory Conference in Athens
Our PhD student Mr Allah Rakha participated in the 17th European Fusion Theory Conference (EFTC) 2017 in Athens and presented his results through a poster presentation titled “Modelling of Alfvén modes properties in TJ-II plasmas“.
“Discussions with expert European fusion scientists and young fellows were very interesting and fruitful for my PhD studies“, commented Allah Rakha afterwards.
World-leading fusion expert visits BSC
Recently, we have been honoured to receive a visit by Dr. Sergei Sharapov from Culham Center for Fusion Energy, UK, to BSC under the Severo Ochoa mobility programme. Sergei visited us for two weeks from the 23rd of October to the 3rd of November, 2017 to collaborate on the modelling of Alfvenic instabilities in the TJ-II discharges.
During his stay he also delivered a Severo Ochoa Research Seminar entitled “Magnetic nuclear fusion and fast ion driven Alfvén instabilities” in the UPC-Nord Campus organized by BSC.
BSC Fusion group presents results at the EUROfusion material modelling meeting in Zagreb
Last week our group member Marc Eixarch and his supervisor Stephan Mohr from the Material Science Group at the Computer Applications in Science and Engineering Department of BSC participated at the Fusion Material Modelling meeting in Zagreb, organized by EUROfusion under the Work Package WPMAT-IREMEV and held by the Croatian Fusion Research Unit. This meeting had the objective of sharing the new results on radiation damage in fusion materials.
Our Lectures in Fusion within the UPC Master Course in Barcelona
This spring our fusion group has contributed with three lectures to the Fusion Technology Course of the Nuclear Engineering Master organized by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain. This course is designed to offer the students an comprehensive overview on key topics in Fusion Technology, delivered by specialist lecturers from F4E, CIEMAT, CEA, IPP, UPC and BSC/Fusion group.
HPC-based Simulations in Fusion at BSC
On Thursday February 16 our group member Dr. Xavier Sáez gave a talk within the PATC course “HPC-based simulations, Engineering and Environment” at Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
The mission of the PRACE Advanced Training Centers (PATC) is to carry out and coordinate training and education activities that enable the European research community to utilize the computational infrastructure available through PRACE.