New feature to control the memory consumption implemented in the JOREK code

A method to control and optimize memory consumption has been implemented in the JOREK MHD code. It has been documented in the manuscript titled “Implementation of matrix compression in the coupling of JOREK to realistic 3D conducting wall structures” by Federico Cipolletta and collaborators, which was accepted for publication in the Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (PPCF) journal on 22/08/2024 and is available at this link.

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JOREK code meeting at EPFL with a visit to Swiss Plasma Center

Group picture of in-person attendees at the EPFL site

From 12/02/2024 to 16/02/2024, the 2024 JOREK code meeting was held at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, organized with the support of Cristian Sommariva and Mengdi Kong from the Swiss Plasma Center (SPC), adopting a hybrid format. The meeting was greatly appreciated by the large community of code users and developers, with over 60 registered people, of which 30 were in-person.

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4th Fusion HPC Workshop

On 29 and 30 November 2023, the Fusion Group at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) actively participated in the yearly workshop regarding research in HPC for Fusion, which has now arrived at its 4th edition.

The Workshop is meant to be a gathering appointment for experts in HPC in the research field of Nuclear Fusion. The covered topics were related to the different ways in which HPC methods and algorithms, spanning across Monte-Carlo methods, Neural Networks, and Parallelization Exploitation, can be extremely valuable for applications, going from the simulation of MHD instabilities to System Analysis, to reach efficient ways of energy production through Nuclear Fusion.

A total of 31 talks have been organized in 11 Zoom Sessions, giving life to an exhaustive program covering all the relevant topics. The 5 keynote talks, of great inspiration for the audience, were:

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JOREK code meeting at ITER with a guided tour of the construction site

This Lego model is currently held at the ITER Headquarters and represents a section along the meridional plane of symmetry of the ITER Tokamak.

In the week of 13th of March 2023, the 2023-03 JOREK Meeting took place at ITER. The JOREK code is one MHD code capable of modeling the plasma evolution and instabilities inside a Tokamak, and it is currently developed by a large community interested in plasma physics and actively used inside the ITER project.

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