The 47th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics took place virtually on 21-25 June 2021. This conference brought together top researchers in the wide field of plasma physics ranging from nuclear fusion to low temperature, astrophysical and laser plasmas.
The numbers speak for themselves of the success of the conference: more than 700 registered participants, 187 talks and 432 live poster presentations.
The event was organized by Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and the fusion group played an important role in the local organizing committee.
Our research center, BSC, participated in the conference with various contributions. Mateo Valero, director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, gave a plenary talk about the revolutions in High Performance Computing to accelerate scientific progress. Mervi Mantsinen, BSC Fusion group leader, gave a talk entitled “Experiments with acceleration of neutral beam ions using third harmonic ion cyclotron resonance heating on ASDEX Upgrade” and BSC Fusion group members Daniel Gallart and Jordi Manyer participated with poster contributions.
In the closing ceremony, the programme committee chair Gerardo Giruzzi said “This conference has been a marathon that started at the end of 2018. Due to the pandemic, we made an ambitious and risky choice, fully live talks and poster sessions, that worked even beyond my best expectations and hopes” while Mervi Mantsinen, as the local organising committee chair, said “We hope that all participants had a good conference despite not being able to meet in person. For us at Local Organizing Committee, we will always look back to this week with a great sense of achievement”.

Thanks to all participants for joining this conference and we hope to see you at the next EPS Conference in Maastricht!
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