The 6th BSC Doctoral Symposium took place last week in the campus of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain. Over the three days the event lasted, numerous students and postdoc researchers presented their work on a wide range of areas related to Computing: from simulations in Fusion, Bio-engineering, Data Analysis and Machine Learning to HPC techniques and algorithms in Computer Science.
Our team member José Lorenzo presented a poster entitled “Development of HPC Multiphysics Framework for HTS Magnets in Fusion” summarizing the latest activities of the group in the field of High Temperature Superconductivity for Fusion applications. The Doctoral Symposium has allowed us to reach a broad audience and spread the essential role of Applied Superconductivity in Fusion Technology.

Furthermore, the Fusion group at BSC has been engaged with the organization of the Symposium and our colleagues Ignacio López de Arbina and José Lorenzo have collaborated closely with the Department of Education at BSC to support them in the many tasks that have made this event possible.