From May the 15th to the 18th, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center held the European HPC Summit Week 2017 and the PRACEdays17, an event focused on the usage of High Performance Computing in the industry and the academia.
We are particularly pleased to report that our Master student Felipe Nathan de Oliveira won the PRACE award for the best poster. His work entitled “Nonlinear electromagnetic stabilization of ITG micro-turbulence by ICRF-driven fast ions in ASDEX Upgrade” was short-listed for the presentation on May the 16th with other two candidates.
Nathan’s work focuses on the study of stabilization mechanisms for the enhancement of plasma confinement in tokamak fusion reactors. It works towards the development of future scenarios for ITER, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor.

On Wednesday the 17th, our group member Dr Shimpei Futatani, an invited speaker of the Energy & Particle Physics workshop, gave his talk entitled “High Performance Computing for Non-linear MHD Simulations of Pellet Triggered ELMs in Fusion Devices”. His talk focused on the challenges of MHD stabilities and pellet injections to mitigate the effect of ELMs in plasmas.
Last but not least, Dr Albert Gutiérrez presented his poster entitled “Development of a new deterministic neutron transport code for fusion applications”. The work is the first communication on a new neutronics code developed by our Fusion group in collaboration with the BSC Alya team. This code is able to simulate the neutron transport through multi-material 3D geometries on supercomputing architectures.