Our fusion group has recently expanded its research activities to the simulation of fusion reactor materials, in particular investigating the formation and evolution of radiation generated defects in metal alloys.
Due to the complex character of these alloys, an accurate treatment is often only posible up to some hundred atoms. The BigDFT code, co-developed by BSC, has potential to go beyond this limitation and treat systems which have not been accessible so far.
The key duties of the internship student comprise of computer-based modelling of fusion reactor materials, using mainly the BigDFT code, but possibly also other software. The student will investigate how and under which circumstances BigDFT can be applied to fusion material modelling and perform simulations of concrete interest for the fusion community. In particular, the student will investigate the dynamics and characteristics of defects in iron alloys. If necessary, small additional developments and improvements within the code may be required.
The research is carried out in close collaboration with the main fusion research institutions in Europe under EUROfusion. EUROfusion is the European consortium for the development of fusion energy that manages European fusion research activities on behalf of Euratom.
The application deadline is on the 27th of November 2016. Please check here for more details and for a link to send in your application.