The FusionCAT Annual Meeting 2020 took place today, and it counted with the participation of almost 40 researchers from different backgrounds, institutions and expertise. The main development areas of the project were explained and the current status of the ongoing research was presented. Comments, questions and constructive criticism were exchanged during the discussions, helping reach the overall conclusion that the FusionCAT project is progressing well and according to schedule. Each of the groups in the consortium achieved the technical objectives that were agreed upon, and, at the same time, participated in creating an active nuclear fusion community in Catalunya.
So you think you know all fusion devices worldwide?

We are pleased to introduce you to the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) fusion device map. This tool is really useful if we want to know where the experimental fusion research devices worldwide are located.
Barcelona fusion experts collaborate with the FuseNet Teacher Day
The first-ever edition of FuseNet Teacher’s Day, a Europe-wide webinar dedicated to promoting Fusion in high-schools, was held last Friday, October the 2nd. The event brought together teachers from all around Europe, scattered into 18 local sessions across 16 European Countries. Our BSC Fusion group, in cooperation with Fusion for Energy (F4E), the b_TEC Foundation and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), organized the Barcelona local session under the umbrella of the FusionCAT project.
Privately funded fusion innovations presented at the second FusionCAT webinar

On September 14th, our Fusion Group had the pleasure to organize the second FusionCAT webinar together with BSC as the FusionCAT project coordinator.
The webinar given by Dr Mikhail Gryaznevich, Chief Scientist at Tokamak Energy Ltd was entitled Faster Fusion through Innovations and it was attended by 53 participants from diverse nationalities and backgrounds. The discussion delved into the increasingly significant role of private funded fusion research and the particular scientific innovations of Tokamak Energy.
We are looking for new team members for numerical modelling in fusion!
The Fusion Group at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) is looking for candidates holding a PhD in a nuclear fusion related field (see below) or with a research engineering background.
Join us! We are looking for a PhD student in Computational Modelling for Fusion

The Fusion Group at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) is looking for a PhD student with a degree in physics, computer science or similar. The successful candidate will become an active member of the group. The group is a multidisciplinary team that includes mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists. The research project will be decided based on the research interests of the successful candidate and the needs of the projects in the group.