Research Proposal Defence by Fusion Group PhD candidate

The Research Proposal defence of the BSC fusion group’s PhD student Tomás Bensadón took place on Wednesday 20th of October via Zoom. The topic of Tomás’ PhD research project is “Analysis of ITER performance with different heating schemes using predictive integrated plasma modelling“. The project is supervised by the group’s leader ICREA Research Prof. Dr. Mervi Mantsinen, tutored by UPC Prof. Dr. Lluís Batet and funded by EUROfusion.

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FusionCAT Annual Meeting 2020

The FusionCAT Annual Meeting 2020 took place today, and it counted with the participation of almost 40 researchers from different backgrounds, institutions and expertise. The main development areas of the project were explained and the current status of the ongoing research was presented. Comments, questions and constructive criticism were exchanged during the discussions, helping reach the overall conclusion that the FusionCAT project is progressing well and according to schedule. Each of the groups in the consortium achieved the technical objectives that were agreed upon, and, at the same time, participated in creating an active nuclear fusion community in Catalunya.

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