HPC-Europa3 offers funding to researchers who need a supercomputer

Are you a computational scientist looking for ways to boost your research using High Performance Computing (HPC)?

If so, HPC-Europa3 could be a possibility. This programme funds research visits for computational scientists in any discipline which use High Performance Computing (HPC). Visits can be made to research institutes in Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden or the UK.

The next closing date for applications is the 20th February, 2020

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Experiments in full swing on Joint European Torus

Control room experimental team following attentively the various displays showing measured key quantities in real time during one of the M18-05 experimental discharges carried out last Thursday.

The EUROfusion experimental campaign at the Joint European Torus (JET) located at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE), UK is in full swing.

Last week our group leader Mervi Mantsinen and our La Caixa-funded PhD student Dani Gallart visited JET to participate in this campaign. Our focus was in on-site preparation, execution and first analysis of two sessions of the experiment M18-05 “ICRH scenario support in D and T plasmas” for which Mervi is one of the two scientific coordinators. This means that she is in charge of the scientific planning of this experiment and the coordination of its international team of approximately 45 scientists from various institutions all over Europe.

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Starting a new experimental campaign at JET

View from the JET control room during this week’s experiments.

The new EUROfusion experimental campaign at the Joint European Torus (JET) located at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE), UK started earlier this week.

Our group leader Mervi Mantsinen participates in this new experimental campaign as one of the two scientific coordinators of experiment M18-05 “ICRH scenario support in D and T plasmas” at JET. This means that she is in charge of the scientific planning of this experiment and the coordination of its international team of approximately 45 scientists from various institutions all over Europe.

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