The year 2024 has started with the opportunity for two new Master students to carry out their MSc thesis research projects in our Fusion group. Their internships will last between six and eight months during which they will be able to have a first-hand experience with one of the most powerful supercomputers worldwide, the MareNostrum 5, in a hot timely topic such as nuclear fusion.
Hernán Domingo Ramos, with a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the Universitat de Barcelona, studies a Master’s degree in Fusion Engineering Physics – Erasmus Mundus Joint Master. This program focuses on the magnetic confinement fusion field to provide the necessary knowledge, tools and soft skills for next-generation fusion physicists and engineers. For the first year of the Master Hernán studied at Université de Lorraine, Nancy. During his internship with us here at Barcelona Supercomputing center he will work in the simulations of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a dielectric plasma.
Our other new Master student is Pau Manyer Fuertes. He graduated in Physics Engineering Degree at the UPC and is finishing his Màster Universitari en Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria, at the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria de Camins, Canals i Ports de Barcelona. The main objective of his MSc research project will be the simulation of a plasma equilibrium into a Tokamak domain. This will be his second project with us. Earlier, Pau has worked the simulations of plasma heating as discussed in an earlier post.

Since its creation, the Fusion group has been active in training of the future fusion generation. We have supervised 5 doctoral students as well as 9 master’s and Bachelor’s final projects. In addition, we have hosted over the last 12 years, 15 international students on summer internships.
For more information, see the Education section.