The ITER organization and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) have signed an Agreement on Academic and Scientific Cooperation early this year. This Agreement underlines the importance of promoting academic and scientific progress between the two institutions. Thus, boosting the training of young researchers and engineers by giving the possibility of joint supervision of PhD students and training and exchange of scientists and engineers. Among other possibilities, the door is also open for joint research projects on nuclear fusion.
This Agreement reinforces the strong link between the Fusion Group at the BSC and ITER. The Fusion Group has been collaborating with the ITER organization for a long time in various ways. In 2017, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed, which gave room for collaborations and, in particular, for the implementation and code development within the ITER Integrated Modelling & Analysis Suite (IMAS). A project on numerical methods for ELMs mitigation using pellets was also carried out, see here.
We are happy to tighten our links with the ITER organization and we hope that this Agreement brings fruitful and lasting collaborations!