The 3rd Fusion HPC Workshop, hosted by our Fusion group and sponsored by the FusionCAT project, was organized as an online event on December 15-16, 2022. As in the previous two editions in 2020 and 2021, the workshop was devoted to computer applications using High Performance Computing (HPC) in the field of fusion research. This year, the workshop attracted a total of 171 registrations from 41 countries all over the world.The workshop consisted of twenty-six presentations, including three keynote talks, four invited talks and nineteen contributions distributed in 7 sessions that covered topics such as Optimizations, Multiphysics, Advanced computing using accelerators, Turbulence in fusion plasmas, Atomistic simulations of fusion reactor materials and Magnetohydrodynamics. The three keynote speakers were:
- Flyura Djurabekova, from the University of Helsinki, gave a talk on Simulations following first principles and molecular dynamics for fusion materials.
- Federico Felici, from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, covered an interesting topic: controlling tokamaks using deep reinforcement learning.
- Filippo Spiga, from NVIDIA, exposed the last advances in GPU and possible applications for the acceleration of fusion simulations.
As a novelty this year, the presenters in the early stages of their career received reviewer feedback from several expert senior researchers. The three highest-rated presentations given by Jesús Domínguez-Palacios (EUROfusion), Luke Humphrey (UKAEA) and Jorge Suárez Recio (UPM) received a special distinction and an award. Overall, the quality of the early-career presentations was very high, and the programme committee congratulates all the early career participants for their excellent presentations.

Our Fusion group contributed with two presentations to this edition of the workshop. They included an invited talk given by Martí Circuns i Duxans entitled “Validating NEUTRO, a deterministic finite element neutron transport solver for fusion applications, with literature tests, experimental benchmarks and other neutronic codes” and a contributed talk given by Xavier Sáez entitled “The Advanced Computing Hub at BSC: improving fusion codes following the principles of EUROfusion standard software”.
As in the previous two editions, the 3rd Fusion HPC Workshop gave experts in the fusion community working with HPC an excellent opportunity to show the state of their research and share their scientific results with colleagues around the world. Our intention is that the next edition some time in late 2023 will continue with equally high quality and wide international reach.
This workshop was partly funded by the FusionCAT project (001-P-001722) which has been 50% co-financed with 1.960.963,66€ by the European Fund for Regional Development of the European Union within the framework of the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia, with the support of the Generalitat of Catalonia.