The EUROfusion Work Package Code Development (WPCD) Summer Code Camp, scheduled to be hosted by DIFFER (Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research) in Eindhoven, Netherlands, went finally online due to the COVID-19 crisis during the two weeks from the 8th to 19th June, 2020. The first week of the Code Camp was focused on the Enabling Workflow Exploitation (EWE) programme while during the second week, several working sessions were organized, among others, about the adaptation of workflows in ITER Integrated Modelling & Analysis Suite (IMAS).
From our Fusion Group, Mervi Mantsinen, Jordi Manyer and Albert Gutiérrez attended the Code Camp. Albert worked on the adaptation of container technologies for the remote submission of large HPC workflows, specially on the Heating and Current Drive workflow from ITER. Mervi and Jordi worked on the integration of the modelling codes in the IMAS environment and IMAS workflows developed by ITER.
This Code Camp was the last one before the forthcoming imminent changes in the leadership of the EUROfusion Work Program Code Development. Both the Work Package Project leader Michele Romanelli and the WPCD Resposible Officer Kim Hyun-Tae will move to take new positions elsewhere this summer. We are grateful for the leadership of Michelle during the past year and a half, and we wish both of them good luck in their future endeavours. There will be no call for a new Project Leader position as this EUROfusion project will formally end in December 2020. In the meantime, Pär Strand will take over as ad interim WPCD project leader replacing Michele with the effect from July, and Denis Kalupin will be the new RO.