In the second week of October, our group member Dr. Allah Rakha participated in the 18th European Fusion Theory Conference (EFTC), which is one of the world leading fusion theory conferences, and delivered an oral talk titled ‘Shear Alfvén wave continuum spectrum with bifurcated helical core equilibria’.
In his discourse, he presented the modelling results of Alfvén continuum calculations due to helical core equilibria in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak plasmas, which he had obtained using stellarator community 3D numerical tools. This year, the conference took place at Ghent University, Belgium on October 7-10, 2019.
EFTC is a bi-annual leading conference in the fusion community which provides an opportunity for the theoretical fusion scientists to present and discuss their work. EFTC 2019 covered nearly all areas of fusion plasmas with focus on theory. Most of the conference talks covered wide range of the topics such as tokamaks, stellarators, reversed-field pinches and new fusion concepts. The prime areas were macro-instabilities, operational limits and disruptions, plasma confinement, neoclassical and turbulent plasma transport, optimization of magnetic confinement devices and 3D magnetic field effects, burning plasmas and fast particles, heating, current drive, and wave particle interactions, edge and scrape-off layer/divertor physics, with emphasis on the experimental validation of theoretical models.
At EFTC 2019, Allah Rakha found an inclusive environment for interaction with the leading theoretical fusion scientists which provided him an opportunity to discuss his current research work with future goals and opened new horizons for his future research work. It also equipped him with new challenges of fusion science. He is motivated to implement these new ideas in his future research work.