This year, the 46th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS2019) was held in Milan (Italy), from July 8 to 12, 2019. This annual conference is organized by the European Physical Society (EPS) Plasma Physics Division, and it covers the wide field of plasma physics from Magnetic Confinement Fusion Plasma, Beam Plasmas & Intertial Fusion, Low Temperature and Dusty Plasmas to Basic, Space & Astrophysical Plasmas. Researchers from all around the world met at this conference to show and explain their work to the growing community of plasma physicists.
Two members of our group, our group leader Mervi Mantsinen and Ignacio López de Arbina, attended the conference to present their most recent research under the EUROfusion Consortium. Mervi made an oral presentation on Modelling of three-ion ICRF schemes with PION where she explained the results from the modelling of experiments using this novel technique in different machines such as JET, ASDEX and ITER.

Ignacio presented a poster contribution entitled First applications of the ICRF modelling code PION in the ITER Integrated Modelling and Analysis Suit where he studied different ICRF heating schemes in the ITER non-activated phase scenarios.
We would like to congratulate the local organizers for the good and efficient organization which serves us as an excellent reference in our preparations of the next EPS2020 in Sitges, Spain.