Last week the Annual Retreat of the CASE department of BSC, to which the Fusion group belongs, was held in Altafulla, Tarragona, Spain. The event lasted two days and gathered the group members in a relaxing environment at the Mediterranean seaside. Prof. José María Cela, head of the Department, presented an overview of the current situation of CASE and the future research paths to be developed within the team. Later, the two spin-offs stemming from CASE, MITIGA and Elem Biotech, were introduced showing how our research can reach the market.
The Annual Retreat is an excellent occasion for CASE newcomers to meet the rest of the department and for all of us to know each other and learn about each other’s research topics. To this end, CASE members were invited to present posters based on their work. Our Fusion group contributed to this session with three posters about Plasma heating and Superconductivity in the Fusion field: “Modelling of ICRF heating in ASDEX Upgrade discharges with pure wave heating relevant to the ITER baseline scenario”, “Modelling of ICRF heating for JET T and D-T plasmas”, and “Development of HPC Multiphysics Framework for HTS Magnets in Fusion”.
We want to acknowledge the great work done by the organizers and also congratulate our Fusion group member Xavier Sáez for the double 3rd position he obtained in the photography contest!

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