Many colleagues from the radio-frequency power in plasmas (RFPP) community travelled to Hefei (China) last week (14th to 17th May) in order to attend the 23rd edition of the RFPP Conference. This conference tackles several aspects, from the engineering design of new antennas to the physics of the waves propagating inside a fusion plasma.
The conference opening consisted of a warm welcome speech given by Dr. Yuntao Song and followed by the review talk carried out by Prof. Jean-Marie Noterdaeme who gave an overview of the advances in the RFPP community throughout several decades. After that, invited talks and poster sessions showed that the work carried out by the community is relevant to perform present experiments in different fusion devices and, in particular, for the next DT campaign at JET. Our Fusion group member Dani Gallart showed our latest results on RF heating for the next T and DT campaigns at JET with a work entitled “Modelling of ICRF heating for JET T and DT plasmas” to be published in AIP.

We want to take the opportunity to acknowledge the local organisation committee (LOC) who took into account all the details to make the conference run smoothly and for the organisation of several activities such as a Chinese calligraphy activity and a traditional tea ceremony which gave a flavour of the Chinese ancient culture.

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