Five members of our Fusion Group participated in the 5th Severo Ochoa Doctoral Symposium organized on the 24th and 25th of April 2018 at Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Three members, i.e. Allah Rakha, Edgar Olivares and Dani Gallart, had a chance to give oral presentations while Marc Fuster presented a poster and volunteered together with our newest group member Alba Gordó to help in its organization. The main goal of the event is to provide a framework for young researchers to share their research results and to improve communication skills.
The Symposium started with the Keynote Talk “Quantum Disruption” by Professor Jose Ignacio Latorre and included tutorial sessions on “How to become rich following an academic career” and “Marie Curie Individual Fellowships: Info and Best Practices“.
Doctoral student Allah Rakha, from our fusion group, presented his work “Modelling of Alfvénic instabilities in complex toroidal magnetic geometries for fusion”. In this work, he investigates the Alfvénic instabilities in the flexible TJ-II heliac located at the CIEMAT Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión (LNF) in Madrid. Alfvénic instabilities play an important role on the current experimental findings.

Edgar Olivares presented his work “Robust point-location method for linear and high order meshes. Application to particle transport”. His work is intended to reduce the computational effort needed to locate a point in a certain mesh. This technique is very important for problems with a large amount of particles to keep track of such as Computational Fluid Dynamics.

Doctoral student Dani Gallart, from our fusion group, presented his work “On the quest to reach nuclear fusion as a future energy source” where he explained how the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) waves are used to heat plasma.

Our undergraduate student, Marc Fuster, presented his poster “Application of the edge-based finite element method for fusion plasma simulations” where he studies the potential of the geophysical code PETGEM for fusion plasma physics.