BSC celebrated its Annual Meeting 2017 on Monday the 18th of December. The meeting started with a speech by BSC Director Mateo Valero and BSC Associated Director Josep Martorell about the BSC achievements in 2017 and the outlook for 2018, including answers to a number of questions raised by the personnel prior to the meeting.
The directors highlighted new processor, personalized medicine and artificial intelligence as the three current strategic key projects.

Mateo’s and Josep’s speech was followed by 8 short talks by different BSC personnel on their work at BSC. The talks covered cancer genomics, artificial intelligence, atmospheric dust, the journey of BSC spin-off Mitiga, among others, highlighting the wide range of activities taking place at BSC.
The best short talk award, decided on a popular online vote, was given to David Vicente and Javier Bartolomé on their talk entitled “MareNostrums, Linpacks & viceversa”. The talk entitled by “How do atmospheric particles affect our climate?” by Carlos P. García‐Pando was voted to be the second best and was given a travel award.

The awards for the best talks were followed by the first BSC distinctions ceremony which it planned to become an annual occasion in the years to come. All the ICREA Research Professors at BSC, including our Fusion Group Manager ICREA Prof. Dr Mervi Mantsinen, and ERCs grant holders together with other outstanding awardees received an original MareNostrum 1 node.

The meeting was closed with a talk entitled “Ciencia optimista” by Science Communicator Josep Mainat, followed by a group photo and lunch.