This week, from 6th to 8th of June, our group leader Mervi Mantsinen has participated in the Workshop on Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequency Heating (ICRH) scenarios for ITER organized at ITER Headquarters, France.
Organized by ITER, the workshop counted on the participation of several ITER experts together with approximately 35 specialists from research institutions around the world.
Mervi gave a talk entitled “ICRF scenarios in Deuterium-Tritium plasmas: results from JET DTE1 and preparations of JET DTE2 with extrapolation to ITER” and chaired one of the two session on “Predictive modelling of ICRF scenarios”.

The workshop was very successful and its outcome will be summarized in a report which will serve as reference for future discussions.
On Wednesday, the workshop agenda included an ITER worksite tour to have a close look at the ITER building works that are progressing in a truly impressive manner.