This week our group members Dani Gallart and Mervi Mantsinen presented their research results at the 22nd Topical Conference on Radiofrequency Power in Plasmas.
The conference was held in the sunny town of Aix-en-Provence in south of France and was organized by the IRFM (Institut de Recherche sur la Fusion par confinement Magnétique) of the CEA Physical Science Division.
Dani’s and Mervi’s contributions were on the experiments and modelling of heating fusion fuel with waves in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) for high-fusion performance on the JET tokamak. This research is focused in the preparation of the forthcoming JET campaign with a reactor-relevant fuel mixture consisting of heavy hydrogen isotopes, i.e. deuterium and tritium.
Dani and Mervi also coauthored further two invited talks and one poster contribution by Drs Philippe Jacquet, Jef Ongena and Yevgen Kazakov et al. on JET ICRF results.
The full programme of the conference can be found here.